Engel Water Testing
Direct: (952)955-1800
MN Certification #027-003-105

The Laboratory of choice

Why Test?

The Minnesota Department of Health recommends all wells be checked annually for the presence of nitrates and coliform bacteria. New wells dug by well drilling companies are also required to be tested for nitrates, coliform bacteria, and arsenic.

We make water testing fast and easy for you by conducting onsite visits for water sampling.


Arsenic is a semi-metal element in the periodic table. It is odorless and tasteless. It enters drinking water supplies from natural deposits in the earth or from agricultural and industrial practices. The EPA has set the arsenic standard for at .010 parts per million or lower to protect consumers from the effects of long term, chronic exposure to arsenic.

Coliform Bacteria

Coliform Bacteria are present in the intestines and feces of warm-blooded animals. Contamination usually occurs in the immediate vicinity of the well itself. Sources of bacterial contamination can include faulty septic systems or waste lagoons, surface run-off, and household plumbing systems which have not been maintained properly. Coliform Bacteria do not necessarily cause disease, however their presence can indicate other types of organisms, which do cause disease, may have contaminated your water.


Nitrate contamination can originate from several sources such as human and animal waste, crop residues, and nitrogen fertilizers. Although Nitrate is not acutely harmful to adults, certain bacteria can change nitrate into nitrite, and nitrite is especially harmful to infants. Nitrate reduces ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, causing the infant to turn a bluish color. This condition is called "blue-baby" syndrome, or methemoglobinemia, and can be fatal


Lead is a common metal that has been used over the years in many consumer products. It can still be found in lead-based paint, some imported consumer products, and, under some conditions in air, soil, household dust, pottery, food, plumbing pipes and components, and drinking water. If it is inhaled or swallowed, lead can build up in the body over time. If too much lead enters the body, it can damage the brain, nervous system, red blood cells, and kidneys. Lead in drinking water can be a particular problem for infants who drink formula made with tap water.


Manganese occurs naturally in rocks and soil and is often found in ground and surface water. Your body needs some manganese, but too much can be harmful. Manganese can be particularly harmful to Infants under one year old and may cause learning and behavior problems if they drink water with too much manganese.

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